Monthly archives: February, 2018

Thoughts and Prayers: The Most Important Actions in the Face of Tragedy

Shortly after a tragedy occurs, there is frequently condemnation of prayer. People complain that “thoughts and prayers” do nothing, or they even lash out at the faithful. To a certain extent, I understand the frustration: we are a nation that values action. We believe that actions speak louder than words. We implore people to “practice …

Book Review: Shadows of Hope

Shadows of Hope by Georgiana Daniels is one book you should definitely NOT judge by the cover! Though the cover and the description make it seem like this book will be an overly dramatic novel with a cliche ending, this book is actually an engaging and very well-written novel. A story of hope in the …

Fasting as a Type 1 Diabetic

Fasting is a touchy subject for me. As a devout Catholic, I can see the fruit of fasting. I know it is good for spiritual growth, a strong form of prayer, and is pleasing to God. At the same time, it can be a challenge for me because what I eat is extremely important for …

Friendship-Oriented Evangelization

When I was a freshman in college, one of the women in my dorm invited me to a Bible study. It was the first time I had ever participated in a Bible study. What I remember most is feeling completely inadequate. There I sat in the grass with my “Extreme Faith” Bible and essentially zero knowledge …