Monthly archives: June, 2018
Why Aren’t Pro-Life Organizations Decrying What is Happening at the Border?

The other day on Twitter, someone complained that she hadn’t seen any Pro-life organizations calling out the atrocities seen at the border. My initial reaction was as follows: Maybe you're not seeing Pro-life organizations speak out about the treatment of children at the border because you aren't following any Pro-life organizations online. — …
Book Review: The Costly Cookie Chronicles
On the Irish Referendum and Reception of the Eucharist

I have seen a lot of outrage surrounding the fact that Catholic “yes” voters to the Irish Referendum regarding abortion are being told to not receive Communion. I know this is a difficult topic, and I hope that I can present my argument charitably, but please forgive me if anything I say lacks charity. What …
Book Review and Author Interview: 30 Days of Grace by Ashleigh Rich

One of the things I love about blogging is connecting with other Christian bloggers and authors. It is awesome to connect with others who share your goals and seek encouragement. On this list of awesome people I’ve “met” is Ashleigh Rich. She originally asked just for feedback on her eBook, but I enjoyed it so …
Saint Ignatius Loyola Church – Houghton, MI

I absolutely love beautiful Catholic Churches. Obviously, the beauty of the building in no way impacts the grace received from praying and worshipping there, but there is something about beauty that stirs us. There are so many theologians and saints who talk about the power of beauty. During a recent trip to Houghton, I was …
Book Review: Smitten

I have loved the concept of this book since Sterling Jaquith first brought it up. As I mentioned before, I am a sucker for romance stories, but there tend to be three problems with most of the love stories that society and the media present to us: They romanticize lust and impurity. They either are …