Monthly archives: March, 2021

Evangelize Before We Catechize

Note: I wrote a draft of this post a few years ago but never posted it. Though I haven’t been able to serve as a catechist for a while, the overall message of this post is still very important to me. “Ok, let’s review this together again,” I said to my first grade faith formation …

A Catholic Perspective on a COVID Vaccine: Making the Decision to Not Vaccinate

Each person has different considerations when it comes to deciding whether or not they will receive a COVID-19 vaccination. Good Reasons to Wait There are a number of valid reasons a person may choose to not get a COVID-19 vaccine. There is a small number of people who medically cannot receive the vaccination. Their doctors …

A Catholic Perspective on a COVID Vaccine: How LifeSiteNews is Misleading Readers

Over the last few days, I’ve been discussing the vaccine from a Catholic perspective. I wrote about respecting life, science, and truth. I addressed concerns about risks to fertility and risks for pregnant and lactating women. All of these posts were to lay a foundation for discussing the LifeSiteNews (LSN) article that started all of …