Hello, it’s the greatest supervillain of all time – THE MASK BULLY – with my nefarious plot *checks notes* to protect the health and lives of others by encouraging science-based methods of reducing the spread of COVID. WAHAHAHA! So many lives will *checks notes again* be saved!
Ok, so I’m being a little silly, but the topic of mask-wearing came up in a Catholic Mom Facebook group I’m in. My previous post on mask-wearing (and telling people they should wear masks) was deemed bullying by some members. There was a lot of misinformation being spread in that thread, but a moderator (understandably) asked that we moved the conversation to private messaging instead.
Plan for This Series
The conversation and the reactions to it made me concerned that many Catholics still hold majorly erroneous beliefs about wearing masks. I want to use my platform to address these errors to help Catholics who are earnestly seeking the truth about masks.
In classic Kate fashion, I intended ro write a single blog post, but with the vast amount of information needed to address some concerns, I realized that I should break this into a series.
So here’s my plot for world domination talking about masking concerns.
- Share my opinion on why masking is controversial
- Briefly talk about science and why it matters to Christians
- Address concerns that the CDC, Fauci, scientists, etc. are flip-floppers
- Defend the efficacy of masks
- Address concerns that masks are harmful
- Myth-bust conspiracy theories and other extreme claims
- Differentiate between fear-mongering and prudence
- Challenge relativism
- Remind myself and others of our Christian responsibilities
A Few Quick Notes
- I am not a medical professional. What I post is not medical advice.
- I am not a researcher. I’m just a nerd who likes looking at this stuff.
- I talk a little bit more about my biases and limitations in my first post about COVID vaccines.
- I understand that there is a lot of misinformation out there and that the pandemic has become wrongly politicized. My hope is that Catholics would respect science and seek the truth, even if it means supporting “the other side.”