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About Me

I’m Kate: engineer by day, tutor and catechist by night, and Catholic all the time (or so I try).  I’m in my early 20’s and live in Wisconsin with my husband, Ben, and our 11-year-old cat, Ivan. When I’m not writing, I’m reading, cross-stitching or crocheting.

Some people may consider me a “Cradle Catholic” because I grew up in the Catholic Church. It wasn’t until halfway through college, however, where I started to realize what it really means to be Catholic. I grew to love the beauty and truth I have found within Catholicism, but I also discovered is that it is really hard to be authentically Catholic. This is especially true in today’s American culture. I desire the end goal of sainthood, but I find myself slipping up a lot. Though hope for Heaven motivates me, the daily push is knowing that I am not the only person who struggles a lot.

About the Blog

I started Stumbling Toward Sainthood to share not only my own struggles but also talk about stumbling blocks other young Catholics may face as they strive to live as Christ calls us to.

I am very blessed to have a husband who is so supportive and helpful when it comes to this blog. Ben reads through every post that ends up here on Stumbling Toward Sainthood and takes some creative pictures. He also does the CSS/other complicated 15672970_10154974124509276_6985151715352541409_ncomputer-y things, and gives me useful feedback. I could go on and on about how wonderful he is both with helping me with this blog and in everyday life, but I don’t want to get too cheesy.

Other Writing

my first blog: I started this blog while I was working at Philmont Scout Ranch. I also wrote about my two-week study abroad program in Seoul.

Tumblr: I started writing about my faith here. I still post some things on it.

Guest Posts

Contraception and feminism misaligned for Pro-Life Wisconsin

Dear Edith – Veiling in Church at FemCatholic

Dear Edith – Confidence in Being Catholic at FemCatholic

If you’d like me to write a guest post for your blog, please contact me. In addition to the topics on my blog, I’d also be happy to write about living with a chronic illness or my experiences as a female in STEM. If you have other ideas, I’d love to talk about them!


In 2012, I joined Mu Beta Psi, National Honorary Musical Fraternity. In 2016, I began writing pieces and assisting in the editing of our national publication, The Clef. I have included the PDFs below.