Category «Current Issues»

A Catholic Perspective on a COVID Vaccine: Making the Decision to Not Vaccinate

Each person has different considerations when it comes to deciding whether or not they will receive a COVID-19 vaccination. Good Reasons to Wait There are a number of valid reasons a person may choose to not get a COVID-19 vaccine. There is a small number of people who medically cannot receive the vaccination. Their doctors …

A Catholic Perspective on a COVID Vaccine: How LifeSiteNews is Misleading Readers

Over the last few days, I’ve been discussing the vaccine from a Catholic perspective. I wrote about respecting life, science, and truth. I addressed concerns about risks to fertility and risks for pregnant and lactating women. All of these posts were to lay a foundation for discussing the LifeSiteNews (LSN) article that started all of …

A Catholic Perspective on a COVID Vaccine: Respecting Life, Science, and Truth

Before I go into some of the more specific aspects of the COVID vaccines, I want to go over some beliefs that are important to keep in mind when discussing the vaccines. Life What Catholics Believe Catholics value life from conception to natural death. “Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative …