Tag «covid-19»
The Mask Bully: Relativism
The Mask Bully: Fear-Mongering versus Prudence
The Mask Bully: Conspiracy Theories and Extreme Claims
The Mask Bully: Masks Work
The Mask Bully: Flip Flopping Science
The Mask Bully: Scientifically Speaking
The Mask Bully: Why is Masking Controversial
A Message from the Mask Bully

Hello, it’s the greatest supervillain of all time – THE MASK BULLY – with my nefarious plot *checks notes* to protect the health and lives of others by encouraging science-based methods of reducing the spread of COVID. WAHAHAHA! So many lives will *checks notes again* be saved! Ok, so I’m being a little silly, but …
A Catholic Perspective on a COVID Vaccine: Overview

I’ve been seeing a lot of discussions, and rightfully so, surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines. Understandably, there are concerns, but unfortunately, some of these concerns stem from misinformation. I was originally inspired to write this post after reading an article written by LifeSiteNews. I wanted to address the misinformation and tactics in that article. Then, I …