Tag «faith and science»

A Catholic Perspective on a COVID Vaccine: Respecting Life, Science, and Truth

Before I go into some of the more specific aspects of the COVID vaccines, I want to go over some beliefs that are important to keep in mind when discussing the vaccines. Life What Catholics Believe Catholics value life from conception to natural death. “Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative …

A Catholic Perspective on a COVID Vaccine: Overview

I’ve been seeing a lot of discussions, and rightfully so, surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines. Understandably, there are concerns, but unfortunately, some of these concerns stem from misinformation. I was originally inspired to write this post after reading an article written by LifeSiteNews. I wanted to address the misinformation and tactics in that article. Then, I …

Book Review: Faith & Science

Faith & Science by Trent Horn explains “the complex but ultimately harmonious relationship between religious and scientific truth.” As a Catholic engineer, I was particularly excited to read this book. This book not only met but exceeded my expectations, and I couldn’t put the book down. Horn addresses a wide array of topics in this short …

Serving God as an Engineer

serving God as an engineer Chemical Engineer handbook Bible rosary

We are blessed with an abundance of resources on how to live out our Vocations (married life, religious life, consecrated single life), and there are clear landmarks along the path towards Sainthood though the paths may look very different. I think it is a little more challenging to see the connections between serving God and …