Tag «prayer»
Book Review: The Costly Cookie Chronicles
Thoughts and Prayers: The Most Important Actions in the Face of Tragedy

Shortly after a tragedy occurs, there is frequently condemnation of prayer. People complain that “thoughts and prayers” do nothing, or they even lash out at the faithful. To a certain extent, I understand the frustration: we are a nation that values action. We believe that actions speak louder than words. We implore people to “practice …
Book Review: Forgiving Mother: A Marian Novena of Healing and Peace
Book Review: The Rosary: Your Weapon for Spiritual Warfare

We live in a frightening time. A culture of death targets people based on what they contribute rather than their inherent human dignity, resulting in abortion and euthanasia. The amount of people addicted to porn is wild. Drugs and alcohol are presented as answers to deep emotional and/or spiritual pain. The government is thwarting its responsibility to …
Liturgical Living for Young Adults: 10 Ideas for Advent

Something new to me is how intentional Catholics are about the marking of time. Obviously, every part of our lives should be oriented toward serving God, but the Catholic Church provides very tangible ways. From prayers at certain times of the day to Liturgical seasons, there are so many beautiful ways to observe the passage …
Introducing the Catholic Woodworker
Book Review: Healing Promises: The Essential Guide to the Sacred Heart

Catholics sometimes joke about certain saints “following” them. For me, it has been Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque. The opportunity to read this book (I received a free copy in exchange for my honest review) was another way she had come into my life. Update: I re-read the book again in 2018. I enjoyed it even more …
How to Make a Mini Prayer Binder

I am really bad at remembering things unless I write them down. I have reminders on my phone and a planner that I am really reliant on. This forgetfulness includes prayer requests. To counter this, I started a little prayer notebook to keep track of various intentions. Unfortunately, the binding couldn’t hold up in my …
The Gratitude Project 1: Knowing God Loves Me

Last week, I talked about how the BAKER method has helped me develop an authentic, Christ-oriented attitude of gratitude. I also mentioned that I would be participating in Anni’s gratitude project. Today is my first official post. This spring has been difficult for me. My struggles in controlling my type 1 diabetes surfaced again, and …