Monthly archives: March, 2017
Book review: Full by Asheritah Ciuciu
10 Tips for Catholics Who Want to Understand the Bible

This is the first post in a three-part series about the Bible. St. Jerome said, “ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” Catholics, unfortunately, have the reputation of not reading the Bible as often as they should. On one hand, a Catholic who attends Mass regularly will be exposed to a large amount of the …
Book Review: God by Trent Horn
20 Answers Challenge Update #1
Pro-Life Wisconsin Guest Post

I’m happy to share that I did a guest post for the Pro-Life Wisconsin blog. Make sure to head over there and read about why I think birth control and feminism are misaligned. While you’re over there, make sure to read other posts on their blog and learn more about their organization. Pro-Life Wisconsin does a …