Book Review: Chiara Corbella Petrillo

Several years ago, one of my friends gave me a copy of Chiara Corbella Petrillo: A Witness to Joy. I had been recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, and I was struggling with this emotionally and spiritually. Though my challenges are nothing compared to what this holy woman went through, reading about how gracefully she handled her trials and trusted in God brought me so much hope.

I recently re-read this book which was written by her friends. The book shares the experiences, prayers, and joy of this woman who surely will be a saint.

In case you haven’t figured it out, I loved this book. It covered deep topics and had some fantastic spiritual points. Overall, I thought it was written beautifully, and it is hard to read this book without being impacted in some way. There were many times where I just needed to stop and reflect on the beauty and significance of what I had just read.

Despite my love for this book, there were some flaws. Mostly, it was minor issues like the wording seemed off or some lines got repetitive. There was a section of the book where the timeline got a little jumbled, and it would’ve been nice if this were clearer.

I recommend this book to all Christians, but I believe it would be particularly comforting to those who are dealing with a particularly heavy cross and need some inspiration.


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