Tag «Catholic»
Book Review: Why I am Catholic (And You Should Be Too)

I love reading conversion stories. There is something beautiful about how God reaches out to people, makes Himself a part of their lives, and draws them home to His Church. One of the many, many things I love about the Catholic faith is how reasonable it is. Simply put, Catholicism makes sense. With these interests, …
Geek for God: Introducing Thy Geekdom Come
You are Mine: The Christian Meaning of Life
Back in April, I wrote about my journey in shaping my Catholic faith. In it, I mention how I found healing at a SEEK conference. I was fortunate enough to be able to share more to that story, specifically God’s words to me during Adoration, in a guest post on Sarah E. Koontz’s blog. …
Awesome Ministry by a Beautiful Family: Little Flower Events
I “met” Rachel in the Blessed is She Midwest group on Facebook. Her ministry, Little Flower Events, caught my attention. I thought it would be interesting to learn more about it and was excited to interview her. Her story is awesome, her family sounds beautiful, and her vulnerability and passion are inspiring. It is my …
If You Love Someone, You’ll Tell them the Truth, Even if It Hurts
15 Tips to Help You “Win” Arguments about the Christian Faith on Social Media

If you’re here to actually win arguments, I have bad news: there is no winning. Though social media is a phenomenal tool for communication, it is still not ideal for having conversations that will cause someone to completely change their stance. This is difficult enough face-to-face, but it is nearly impossible online. Furthermore, our goal …
Don’t Talk to Me About Sin

My Experience I still remember the homily from the first Mass I attended at my university’s parish. Unfortunately, I remember it because of how uncomfortable it made me. It was a homily about sin, but this priest used really strong imagery. Unlike the stereotypical “fire and brimstone” speech, this priest used filth. In this particular …
The Catholic Church Does Not Oppress Women; It Empowers Them

I’ve written about feminism before (both here and as a guest poster), but I’d like to dig a little deeper into a topic I touched on: secular society’s idea that the Catholic Church Oppresses women. On the contrary, I believe the Catholic Church upholds the dignity of women the best in our broken world. The …