Monthly archives: April, 2018
Book Review: A Guide to the Passion

I’ve had A Guide to the Passion: 100 Questions About The Passion of The Christ sitting on my shelf for years, but I finally decided to start reading it on Good Friday. I think this book is a decent primer for Catholic beliefs surrounding the Passion and a great accompaniment to the film The Passion …
Book Review: Building a Bridge

Building a Bridge by Father James Martin has received a lot of criticism. I myself have been leery of his writing, and actually criticized other pieces of his in the past, especially his LGBT parable article which is an excerpt from the revised edition of this book. However, I felt it wasn’t fair to criticize …
Book Review: The Spirit of Simplicity
14 Flaws of the Pro-Life Movement

As a Catholic and a feminist, I am unapologetically pro-life. I recognize that every single human being is made in the image of God and is therefore deserving of being treated with love and dignity. As someone who has taken basic biology, I know that an individual human’s life begins at conception. Unfortunately, we live …
Book Review: Chiara Corbella Petrillo

Several years ago, one of my friends gave me a copy of Chiara Corbella Petrillo: A Witness to Joy. I had been recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, and I was struggling with this emotionally and spiritually. Though my challenges are nothing compared to what this holy woman went through, reading about how gracefully she …
Our Lady of Fatima Giveaway

The history of the Catholic Church is full of a number of Marian apparitions. Our Lady would appear to a particular group of people to share messages that encouraged people to turn to God and grow closer to him. These messages are still important today, and it is important to find ways to share them. …