Category «Faith and Reason»

Book Review: Calvary Road

I don’t know what it is, but I love conversion stories. There is something so beautiful in seeing how God works in peoples’ lives, drawing them closer to Him. Obviously, I was thrilled when I was asked to review Calvary Road: One Man’s Journey from Judaism to Calvary by Marty Barrack. Disclaimer: I received a …

Book Review: The Saint vs. The Scholar

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own. With a strong subtitle like “The Fight Between Faith and Reason,” “The Saint vs. The Scholar” by Jon Sweeny quickly captures readers’ attention. Though the exploration of a fight between two prominent men from Church history …

Book Review: Faith & Science

Faith & Science by Trent Horn explains “the complex but ultimately harmonious relationship between religious and scientific truth.” As a Catholic engineer, I was particularly excited to read this book. This book not only met but exceeded my expectations, and I couldn’t put the book down. Horn addresses a wide array of topics in this short …

Book Review: Atheism

Atheism was written by Matt Fradd. The booklet strives to “help you understand the main arguments for and against God’s existence and give you the knowledge you need to explain to others the reasonableness of belief. This is hands down my favorite book from the 20 Answers series to date. While all the booklets are engaging, …

A Short Reflection on Genesis

I think it is easy to get so caught up in discussions about how we should interpret Genesis that we can miss out on the beauty that is revealed to us in it. If you’re interested in reading about how Christians should interpret Genesis, I have some resources at the end of the post. Today, …

Imposter Phenomenon: a Catholic Perspective on a Secular Issue

Engineering is a challenging career. The work itself is challenging: creative thinking, trying to solve problems that might not even be fully defined, developing solutions based on limited information, trying to find opportunities for improvement while fighting against the attitudes of complacency from people who have “always done it this way.” However, these external factors …

Bill Nye: #NotMyScienceGuy

 In conservative circles, Bill Nye’s credibility has been questioned quite a bit due to the controversial statements he makes on Netflix’s “Bill Nye Saves the World.” These criticisms aren’t anything new, but since it is a trending topic, I wanted to discuss it. As a Catholic engineer, I find myself in a weird position because …