Category «Social Justice»

A Catholic Perspective on a COVID Vaccine: Respecting Life, Science, and Truth

Before I go into some of the more specific aspects of the COVID vaccines, I want to go over some beliefs that are important to keep in mind when discussing the vaccines. Life What Catholics Believe Catholics value life from conception to natural death. “Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative …

Why Aren’t Pro-Life Organizations Decrying What is Happening at the Border?

The other day on Twitter, someone complained that she hadn’t seen any Pro-life organizations calling out the atrocities seen at the border. It's funny, I haven't seen any outcry from "pro-life" organizations about the treatment of children at the border. Almost as if they don't give a shit about actual babies. — Jessica Valenti (@JessicaValenti) …

Book Review: Unplanned

February 2021 Update: It has come to my attention that Abby Johnson’s pro-life conversion story has come into question. There are some serious concerns about the validity of her story. When considering that and her recent, disturbing and racist remarks, I am no longer comfortable recommending this book.   I first heard about Abby Johnson {“type”:”block”,”srcClientIds”:[“11188fe6-9519-426d-a4bb-76aa555987a4″],”srcRootClientId”:””}at …

The Other Side

On paper, our friendship seems fairly improbable. They are queer witches. I’m a Catholic who fully embraces Church teaching. There are obvious differences in what we believe, and several of our beliefs and identities would put us at odds with each other. After spending hours talking with them during a visit, my heart was so …