Pattern Review: Happy Nest Home Goods Catholic Embroidery

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably noticed that I do several crafts. I mostly crochet, but every once in a while, I’ll do some cross stitch or beading or something else. Despite trying numerous crafts, the extent of my embroidery experience is a French knot and a few back stitches. So when I …
It’s Not the Flock’s Fault, But We Should Do Acts of Reparation Anyways

Though there is so much darkness right now, the glimmer of hope for me has been seeing the impressive number of Catholics calling for action in response to the sex abuse scandals. One of the call-to-action efforts I have been particularly impressed by is the movement started by Bonnie Engstrom (A Knotted Life) and Kendra …
Book Review: Child of Dust

A good book was bogged down by its misrepresentation of being a Christian Romance. Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own. When I first heard about Child of Dust by Shoba Sadler, I was excited about the potential. Amazon explains: Beautiful but …
#SackclothandAshes: A Lay Catholic Guide to Responding to the Sex Abuse Scandal
The Lego Church Project: Interview & Giveaway

What do Legos, Catholicism, and Disability Awareness have in common? For JM Kraemer, the answer is obvious: his work for The Lego Church Project. Since 2001, JM has built complex, impressive, and beautiful churches out of Legos. He brings these displays to local parishes to show off his hard work and to inspire people to …
Understanding the Catholic Themes at the Met Gala

The extent of my fashion knowledge comes from casual watching of Project Runway and questioning in bewilderment how someone would actually wear that, but this year’s Met Gala Theme – “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination”- caught my attention for obvious reasons. To be honest, I had completely mixed emotions about the event. But …
Book Review: Calvary Road

I don’t know what it is, but I love conversion stories. There is something so beautiful in seeing how God works in peoples’ lives, drawing them closer to Him. Obviously, I was thrilled when I was asked to review Calvary Road: One Man’s Journey from Judaism to Calvary by Marty Barrack. Disclaimer: I received a …
A Response to “I don’t know how to be Catholic anymore”

Earlier this week, Mary Elizabeth Williams wrote a piece called “I don’t know how to be Catholic anymore” on Salon. In it, she describes her frustrations with her new parish priest and her beliefs that are different from what Christ teaches (as protected and promoted by the Catholic Church). She wrote a number of concerning …
An Average Catholic’s Guide to Evangelizing through Beauty

“In contemporary America, most people are not moved by claims of truth or goodness. Relativism has made truth to be whatever you want, thereby turning the good into whatever makes you feel good. So how can you engage the average nonbeliever? How can you place him on the road that would lead him back to …