Tag «prolife»

Why Aren’t Pro-Life Organizations Decrying What is Happening at the Border?

The other day on Twitter, someone complained that she hadn’t seen any Pro-life organizations calling out the atrocities seen at the border. https://twitter.com/JessicaValenti/status/1008702135226241024   My initial reaction was as follows: Maybe you're not seeing Pro-life organizations speak out about the treatment of children at the border because you aren't following any Pro-life organizations online. — …

Book Review: Unplanned

February 2021 Update: It has come to my attention that Abby Johnson’s pro-life conversion story has come into question. There are some serious concerns about the validity of her story. When considering that and her recent, disturbing and racist remarks, I am no longer comfortable recommending this book.   I first heard about Abby Johnson {“type”:”block”,”srcClientIds”:[“11188fe6-9519-426d-a4bb-76aa555987a4″],”srcRootClientId”:””}at …

Can You Be a Catholic and a Feminist?


Can you be both faithful to the Catholic Church and be a feminist?

If you look at the literal meaning of feminism, then the answer is emphatically yes, but when you look at the modern feminist movement, that confident “yes” turns into a blur of uncertainty and conflicting perspectives.