Monthly archives: June, 2017
Book Review: Women Who Move Mountains

I feel like my prayer life is constantly in need of improvement, so I was excited when I got the opportunity to review Women Who Move Mountains: Praying with Confidence, Boldness and Grace by Sue Detweiler for the Bethany Bloggers Program (they give me the book in exchange for an honest review). This book had …
7 Times Christians Should Step Away from an Online Argument
Book Review: The Eucharist

The Eucharist by Trent Horn “lays out the biblical evidence for Christ’s Real Presence, explains how the Church understands and administers the sacrament of Holy Communion, and helps you deepen your own appreciation for this most precious sign of CHrist’s enduring presence in the world.” This is another book from the 20 Answers Challenge from …
15 Tips to Help You “Win” Arguments about the Christian Faith on Social Media

If you’re here to actually win arguments, I have bad news: there is no winning. Though social media is a phenomenal tool for communication, it is still not ideal for having conversations that will cause someone to completely change their stance. This is difficult enough face-to-face, but it is nearly impossible online. Furthermore, our goal …
Book Review: The Sacraments

The Sacraments by Fr. Mike Driscoll “explains the mysteries of these powerful gifts from God, defends the Catholic understanding and administration of them, and shows how to receive them with the disposition needed to make the most of their effects. Overall, this booklet was a good collection of information regarding the Sacraments and explaining them …
The Gratitude Project 2: Sympathetic Spoonies

This week for The Gratitude Project, I am thanking God for friends who understand what it is like to have a chronic illness. Jesus understands, but He also blessed me with other people. I know Jesus understand my suffering better than anyone else. I know I can bring these struggles to God and He will …
Don’t Talk to Me About Sin

My Experience I still remember the homily from the first Mass I attended at my university’s parish. Unfortunately, I remember it because of how uncomfortable it made me. It was a homily about sin, but this priest used really strong imagery. Unlike the stereotypical “fire and brimstone” speech, this priest used filth. In this particular …
Book Review: The Papacy

The Papacy by Jim Blackburn “explains how the papacy is not only biblical and historical but essential for preserving Christian unity of belief.” Each question in this booklet is answered solidly by Blackburn with support from a number of sources including both Scripture and writings throughout Church history. Despite using a lot of quotes, I felt …
20 Answers Challenge Final Reflection

I officially completed the 20 Answers Challenge yesterday! I have thoroughly enjoyed this challenge, and I am going to talk about the last four books I read and share my thoughts on the challenge as a whole. Last Books The last four books I read were Divorce & Remarriage by Trent Horn, Faith & Science …