Book Review: Salvation by Jimmy Akin

Salvation was written by a former Protestant, Jimmy Akin.  The booklet says it will share “the beautiful story of how God calls us out of sin, justifies us, makes us holy, and leads us to everlasting life with him.” Akin does a great job addressing questions on a complex topic in a very accessible way. …

Book Review: Hope for the Same-Sex Attracted

Sometimes in our big-picture discussions about homosexuality and same-sex marriage, we lose sight of the person in the middle of the struggle. That single sentence convinced me that Hope for the Same-Sex Attracted: Biblical Direction for Friends, Family Members, and Those Struggling with Homosexuality by Ron Citlau was a book I needed to read. I …

You Can’t Just Be Spiritual; You Need Religion

you cannot just be spiritual you need religion

I always experience mixed emotions when I hear someone say (or see someone post) something along the lines of “I’m spiritual, but not religious.” On one hand, I am happy that the person is seeking a deeper meaning in their life. On the other hand, I’m worried that the person will stay satisfied there. Before …

Book Review: The Real Jesus by Trent Horn

The Real Jesus by Trent Horn 20 Answers

This Lent and Easter Season, I took on the Catholic Answers 20 Answers Challenge. As I mentioned in my original post, I was recommending it without reading the books. I felt it was only fair to share my thoughts on the books as I read them (and amend my recommendation if necessary).  The Real Jesus was also …

20 Answers Challenge Update #2

Right before Lent began, I shared that I was taking the 20 Answers Challenge from Catholic Answers. The goal is to read all 20 books in the series by the end of the Easter Season. Since I’ve last written, I’ve completed three more books: The Bible, Scripture and Tradition, and The Papacy. Overview I really enjoyed …

Book Review: The Silent Death of Depression

There is definitely a stigma surrounding mental illness. I think there is sometimes an even greater level of pressure for Christians because there is the misconception that mental illness is a reflection of a poor faith life. This is certainly not true, and I am always eager to find resources that talk about how Christians …